Newsletter HAPPY NEW YEAR !, the best hotels, restaurants, services, boutiques in Le Marais District wish you a happy new year.
To prepare for your trip to Paris, you can download the exclusive Parismarais map of le Marais for free! Be sure to print out both sides A and B of the map by clicking on the following links: You can also visit the following page where you will find more maps of Paris and le Marais as well as selected places to visit—photos and addresses will “pop up” as soon as you click on the colored dots. Fabulous, n'est-ce pas? Don't miss our SPECIAL OFFERS AOL blocks many major European ISPs, so we cannot guarantee that our mail to AOL addresses will arrive. Please use another email provider or "White List" our email address or add "" and to your contact list. Parismarais Newsletter, january 2011 To Subscribe or unsubscribe : To find out more about cultural events in Paris, discover Paris Update, the weekly English-language Web review of Paris cultural events edited by Heidi Ellison, an American journalist who has lived in Paris for over 20 years. Follow Parismarais on Twitter: Follow us on facebook: Special thanks to all our contributors and media partners all over the world. Should you wish to promote us and create profitable reciprocal links with us to your web site, please write to PARISMARAIS.Com is a Media Partner of Paris Tourism Office, France Guide / Atout France, IGLTA and correspondant of over 100 medias in the world. Copyright 2010, parismarais.comm |