Newsletter UNEXPECTED THINGS TO DO ON COLD DAYS... Bonjour Parismarais Readers, The media all around the world are reporting on where to shop, what to wear, and what to eat for Christmas and New Year’s. You are already making your holiday list, checking it twice, and are finalizing your plans for this special time of year. That’s why this month, we’ve decided to give you ideas for new and unexpected things to do in December. How about:
Here is a selection of fun and unconventional ideas to make you feel like a real “Bobo.” What is a Bobo you ask? It means “Bohemian Bourgeois,” a kind of rich and creative artist who votes Social-Democrat, eats bio, rides a bike instead of driving a car…and naturally lives in one of the beautiful houses in le Marais. (Come to think of it, it could be me!) That’s why le Marais district is often called “Boboland” by many sociologists. I’m just glad to be one of the 50,000 residents who are happy and fortunate to be living in Paris’ most beautiful and sought-after district… We hope to welcome you soon to Boboland!
WORLD AIDS DAY: A WORD FROM JEAN- LUC ROMERO When will China wake up? Last September, China reintroduced a document requiring the serological status of people who enter the country. While the board meeting of the World Fund against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria was taking place, I intervened to protest against that meeting being held in a country that closes its borders to foreigners who are HIV infected. Nevertheless, the meeting was held in China. “According to the present evaluation of the way the AIDS virus is transmitted and the real dangers infected people represent, we will change the restrictions to their entering the country,” declared Mao Qun’an, government speaker. He did not specify when the new rules would be implemented or whether the ban was to be entirely lifted. Although this announcement is positive, it might only be due to the fact that the World Fund is meeting in China, and that it is the only source of income for the Chinese who are infected and their associations. Moreover, I had written an open letter to the President of the United States of America last year, asking him to lift the ban. On December 1, 2006, in a message published on the White House website, George W. Bush announced that he would ask Congress to lift the ban. A year later the promise still has not been upheld. See the TV campaign about not discriminating against HIV positive people in France made by the AIDES associative project: Discover all of our latest films on le Marais, co-produced by PARISMARAIS TV PROD, BONAVENTURE PRODUCTION AND PARIS CAP TELEVISION. If you would like your business, real estate agency, shop, restaurant or hotel to be featured in the next program, just contact Alexandre Antoine or Pascal at PARISMARAIS TV PROD, + 33 (0) To see our films now, click here: Now let’s do a quick tour of the events we enjoyed last month and all of the not-to-be-missed happenings coming up in December.
PARTIES we enjoyed and where you should go next FOLLIVORES PARTY Come early for dinner at Les Carnivores Café, run by the same management.
GOODBYE NANA Just next to me was Mrs. Bernadette Chirac, wife of former French president Jacques Chirac, who is in charge of a great foundation for hospitalized children in France… ( Seats ranged from 30 to 180 euros and all proceeds of the event were donated to Mrs. Chirac’s Foundation.
It was a great and emotional moment to see this musical icon on the Paris Opera stage. The entire opera was packed with over 2000 fans, and the spectacular evening ended with an enthusiastic standing ovation.
MUST-SEE AT CARNAVALET MUSEUM BENJAMIN FRANKLIN EXHIBIT 1776 - 1785 A tribute to the American writer, physician and diplomat who was in Paris in the late 18th-century, before the French Revolution. December 5 to March 9, 2008 CHRISTMAS SHOPPING Baroque style Carla of Le Boudoir et Sa Philosophie works with manufacturers and craftsmen who specialize in making copies of 18th-century art, and sells both antiques and recreations of classical necessities. Carla is also creating a complete series of trays, frames and other products featuring the photographs of Marianne Ström, a photographer who lives in le Marais. Buy online : GREAT RESTAURANTS Here is a selection of restaurants in le Marais that offer delicious food and a warm atmosphere on those chilly winter nights. Auberge Nicolas Flamel Les Bains Douches Pain Vin Fromage Pain Vin Fromage ENJOY A BAGUETTE MAGIQUE! Bread is good for you, especially when it is as fun as a “baguette magique,” the dildo shaped bread created by Richard Legay for his famous boulangerie Legay Choc. Funny to be called Mister Legay (even if he’s not!) and to sell such great bread in rue Sainte Croix de Bretonnerie, located in the heart of the gay village, the street that is the Paris equivalent of New York’s Christopher Street or London’s Compton Street. Visit
TAKE A NAKED SHOWER FOR X-MAS AT RAIDD BAR Raidd Bar, the sexiest place in le Marais, offers you the chance to win many special presents on Xmas day…a day that will put the “X” in Xmas! Make your wishes now…and come to Raidd Bar on December 25! More fun and sexy than ever! Subscribe online to their newsletter to find out about regular parties and hot events!
CHRISTMAS ILLUMINATIONS The City of Lights certainly deserves its name at this time of year! From November 26 to January 18, enjoy the Champs Elysées all lit up for the holiday season. If you’re in le Marais, the Paris district 3 city hall is also spectacular. ADVERTISE YOUR PROPERTIES AND SELL YOUR GOODS Did you know that is a great place to make new contacts and to buy and sell practically anything you can imagine? Our partnership with allows you to post a small ad online for only a couple of euros and have it promoted on 20 other Anglophone web sites. Great isn’t it? Start advertising now – it’s fast and easy! ESTATE Why spend time looking through all the newspapers when you can find the best property search firms and agencies we trust on Plus, see our classifieds section where you can advertise your properties for sale direct by owner for just a couple of euros. If you have not visited these sections of our site, bookmark them now: LOW-SEASON DEALS
Open now for 2008 bookings… plus we have many discounted apartments for early December 2007!
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Your Subscription: To receive more news about Paris, subscribe to Parler Paris Newsletter and twice a week you will receive the latest information, events, tips, and details about what’s new in the French capital, written by Adrian Leeds, long time resident of Le Marais, visit Copyright 2007,