The 36th Night of the Ad Eaters

Enjoy the very Best of Advertising in the very Best of Atmospheres!
The Night of the AdEaters is an ALL NIGHT screening party of amazing, intriguing, shocking, and funny commercials, representing the creativity, passion and trends in the world of advertising. In 35 years, The Night of the AdEaters has become the indispensable meeting place for lovers of advertising on all five continents. The event is dedicated to highlighting the best advertising from over 60 different countries on the big screen in a festive atmosphere.
Five and a half hours of advertising film on a giant screen in a highly charged atmosphere and three intermissions are opportunities to offer our enthusiastic audience live entertainment, games, but also snacks and drinks offered by our partners.
From Paris to Tokyo, as in New York or Mexico City, The Night of the AdEaters brings together a trendy public as well as advertising enthusiasts and professionals of communication and media.
For more informations, go to the web site ADEATER.COM