52 Rue de Saintonge, Paris, France 01 42 74 41 28 Ouvert du lundi au dimanche :12:00 - 00:00 > Website > Facebook
The taqueria is open non-stop every day from Sunday to Wednesday from 12:00 to 23: 00 and Thursday to Saturday from 12:00 to midnight (last order). We don't take a reservation for the taqueria. There is a table and a desk. You can also eat the bar during lunch, brunch (Saturday & Sunday from 12:00 - 4: 00 pm) and Sunday evening.
The bar is open every day from 18 h to 2 h. A small menu of finger food is available between 18 h - 22 h. We take reservations subject to availability before 10 pm. All reservations are made via the internet
Possibility of brunch on weekends (Saturday and Sunday) from 12:00 to 16: 00.