37 Rue Quincampoix, 75004 Paris, France Tel : 01 42 77 10 03 this restaurant is definitively closed. soon a new good adress instead. > WebsiteOzo reinvents the concept of a restaurant, offering its customers the opportunity to get involved by composing the food they want to taste. At Ozo, you choose between meat and fish, different sauces and flavors, as well as the number and type of accompaniments. Made a la plancha on individual griddle pans, you choose the cooking, the flavor blends, and in a way become your own chef. Products, always ultra-fresh, come directly from the Rungis market. The menu offers choices that ensure you always end up with a very tasty combination. The Bento style presentation highlights the originality of the compositions. (from 17 euros to 29 euros) Beyond the original and enticing concept, Ozo also offers a fabulous selection of cocktails to enjoy late into the night or to start the evening which, doubtless, will be rich in flavor and taste surprises. Enjoy the sympathic cocktails (8 euros) such as the Cosmopolitan or the Mojito Basilic. Indulge yourself with countless creations such as the Fraise B (“Strawberry B”, 11 euros) or a champagne piscine framboise (“raspberry champagne pool”) (15 euros).